Walk With Me: Dr. Matthew Kane Shares a Message of Perseverance

In this week’s episode, we tackle the incredibly important topic of race on campus. We were so lucky to have author and psychologist Dr. Matthew Kane guide us through this conversation with such a level of depth, warmth and intelligence. Yes, Sarah and Dr. Kane discuss his book Walk with Me, which highlights stories of black men navigating the COVID pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement. Just as importantly, Dr. Kane shares why their stories are equally important today, helping us understand why we need to pay more attention to the experiences of people of color in collage.

You’ll hear Dr. Kane

  1. Talk about the superpower of transitioning a negative to a positive, 

  2. Encourage people of color to take the “superpower cape” off when needed,

  3. Discuss the importance of building your support team,

  4. Tell us how people he’s spoken to have found power in education and creativity,

  5. Give us a glimpse of how he finds solace during dark times (Hint: It involves James Brown. Hop to minute 21, you won’t regret it)

A thread through all of our episodes is finding balance, and today’s show is no exception. To quote our guest, “We're reminding ourselves that we have the abilities to do these great things, and it is not an expectation that we have to do these great things.

Walk With Me: Stories of  Black Men’s Resilience and Well-being Through Twin Pandemics https://a.co/d/hRMGV36 

Where you can find Dr. Matthew Kane:

Psychologist at Doylestown Psychological Services  https://www.dtownpsych.com/ 

Want to share your story, give us feedback or offer up an episode idea? Reach out! We'd love to hear from you.

Insta: @collegeisfinepodcast

Tik Tok: @collegeisfinepodcast

Voice memo: (929) 500-2231

Email: collegeisfinepodcast@gmail.com

Music is Deadbeats by Rex Banner


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